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Ischri a Oert

Demya piej ya a fi wah nesiseri aatikl.
Fram Wikipidia

Earth's history with time-spans of the eons to scale
Earth's history with time-spans of the eons to scale

Di ischri a Oert kansoern di divelopment a di planit Oert frah ifaamieshan tu di prezant die. Nieli aal branch a nachral sayans eh-kanchibiut fi wi andastan di mien iventdem a di Oert paas. Di iej a Oert a apraximetli wan-tod a di iej a di yunivoers. Wah singkuma amount a jaalajikal chienj eh-okor ina datde taimspan, akompini bai bailajikal chienj.